Insulin response and treatment

Insulin response and treatment

2022-02-03 03:24:52 Return to List

When you take insulin, hypoglycemia or hypoglycemia sometimes occurs. This is called insulin response. If you exercise too much or eat not enough, your blood sugar level will drop too low and cause insulin reaction. You need to balance the insulin you give yourself with food or calories. Symptoms of insulin response include:
· Tiredness
· Unable to speak
· Sweating
· Perplexity
· Loss of consciousness
· Seizures
· Muscle twitch
· Pale skin

In order to prevent the effect of insulin reaction, please carry at least 15 grams of quick acting carbohydrates with you. This is approximately equal to any of the following:
· 1/2 cup non weight loss soda
· 1/2 cup juice
· Five life-saving candies
· 2 tablespoons raisins